Funding conservation, education and outdoor recreation across the League

Who is the IWLA Endowment?

The Izaak Walton League of America Endowment was established to provide financial support for the implementation of the mission of the Izaak Walton League of America (IWLA). The IWLA was founded in 1922 to conserve, protect and restore the country's land and waters. Before long, the IWLA saw a need to protect wild lands from development. The members realized this called for a supplementary funding source to support this policy.

To meet that need, the Endowment was established in 1943 as a separate non-profit organization. At first, the Endowment used donations to buy and hold land for transfer to the U.S. Forest Service. For example, the Endowment helped buy land to prevent development that threatened the Boundary Waters Canoe Area in Minnesota. Through the years, these efforts expanded to include land purchases and transfers in other places around the country. In the late 1960s, the Endowment shifted its focus away from land purchases and started awarding grants to fund IWLA conservation-related projects.

Every member of the IWLA is a member of the Endowment. However, we receive none of our funds from League dues. We rely entirely on donations and revenues from our investments to fund the annual grants. You can find examples of these grants in the Recent Grants section of this website.

Board Of Directors

Members of the Board of Directors are elected to the positions and serve a 3 year term

Pamela Meara

Term: Expires 2027

Click Name below for Contact Information

Pamela Meara
Steve Labs
Vice President

Term: Expires 2025

Click Name below for Contact Information

Steve Labs
Lisa McIntyre

Term: Expires 2025

Click Name below for Contact Information

Lisa McIntyre
Gary Schwartz
Gary Schwartz

Term: Expires 2025

Click Name below for Contact Information

Gary Schwartz
Ronald Moore

Term: Expires 2027

Click Name below for Contact Information

Ronald Moore
Craig Enneking

Term: Expires 2026

Click Name below for Contact Information

Craig Enneking
Elaine Graham

Term: Expires 2026

Click Name below for Contact Information

Elaine Graham
Jim Piateski

Term: Expires 2027

Click Name below for Contact Information

Jim Piateski
Bill Iltzsche

Term: Expires 2026

Click Name below for Contact Information

Bill Iltzsche
George Guyant
Executive Secretary

Term: Appointed

Click Name below for Contact Information

George Guyant

Examples of Recent Grants

Watershed Conservation Project

The Alexandria (Virginia) Chapter received an Endowment grant to improve and better manage the land and waters on its property. This project had three parts:

First, the chapter restored land that was impacted by storm water runoff.
Then, the chapter started a program to track its activities to ensure their actions did not have a negative impact on the area.
Finally, the chapter partnered with a local high school to teach students about the importance of good water quality.

In all, about 2,200 volunteer hours were put into this project!

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Native Prairie Project

The Red Cedar (Iowa) Chapter received an Endowment grant as part of its efforts to restore more than five acres of its land to native prairie. The work included preparing the land and planting prairie grasses and flowers. Chapter members added bird houses, a bird feeding station, and benches to encourage birdwatching. The Chapter sees this project as an opportunity to provide access to native prairie and teach people about its benefits.

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Great Lakes Project

The Porter County (Indiana) Chapter received an Endowment grant to help protect and clean up the East Branch of the Little Calumet River. The Chapter used grant funds to buy equipment they could use to monitor the river’s health and measure the success of their prairie and wetland restoration efforts. This will help the group keep the river clean in order to support healthy fish and wildlife populations.

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Citizen Watershed Monitoring Project

The Henry Enstrom (Pennsylvania) Chapter received an Endowment grant to fund a citizen-based water quality program. The program trains citizens to test the health of streams impacted by the mining industry. The Chapter used the grant funds to buy much-needed equipment and create a mandatory training program for volunteers. So far, more than 70 volunteers have been trained to test the health of streams across the state.

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Iowa Trap Shoot Project

The Warren County (Iowa) Chapter received an Endowment grant as part of its efforts to expand and improve its trap shoot ranges. The grant made it possible for the chapter to expand their equipment to host multiple programs concurrently. The youth and competitive programs involve over 2,000 people annually.

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Lists of Recent Grants

Click here to download lists of recent grants.

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Apply for a Grant

Our Grants

Are you a member of the Izaak Walton League of America? Do you have a great idea for a conservation, outdoor recreation, or education project? Do you need funding to bring your idea to life?

We are here to help! The Endowment’s goal is to help our members carry out projects that wouldn’t otherwise be possible. Each year, our Board awards dozens of grants to chapters, divisions, and national IWLA programs. Grants range from $1,000 to $25,000 and cover everything from youth activities to wetland restoration.

We know that many of you have never applied for a grant before, but don’t worry! We make the process easy for you. Our application form is short and easy to understand. In addition, Endowment Board members are ready to answer your questions and help you through the process.

Are you ready to get started?

Support Us

Support Us

As a member of the IWLA, you are part of a longstanding nationwide movement to conserve, protect and restore our land and water. Our “greatest hits” include the Upper Mississippi Fish and Wildlife Refuge, the Boundary Waters, the federal duck stamp program, Save Our Streams, and many others.

The Endowment was founded by IWLA members to support programs like these, but we are a separate organization and we receive none of your dues money. Donations to the Endowment are invested, managed, and used for the long-term benefit of the League.

Contact the Endowment

To Contact the Endowment

Please contact the Endowment through the Executive Secretary George Guyant.


10598 Hotvedt Road
Amherst Junction, WI 54407-9073

